Community Outreach & Communications Intern

Organizational Overview 

We engage individuals and organizations in local and statewide collaborations to strengthen the effectiveness of sexual violence education, prevention, and response in Utah. UCASA started in 1996 when people from across the state came together to end sexual assault. We began a partnership with state agencies and service providers that lasts to this day. Together, we support survivors and work to prevent sexual assault in all forms. UCASA is growing! Over the past couple of years, UCASA has faced significant challenges and is in the process of re-imagining our work and our organization. This is an exciting time to be a part of this organization, to be on the ground as we work toward the next amazing chapter of our organization. If you excel in a busy, dynamic and transitioning environment, this could be the place for you!



  • Assist with creation of social media strategy. 
  • Create outreach content (flyers, videos, social media posts) to increase awareness on sexual assault resources in Utah. 
  • Assist in the maintenance of a comprehensive list of statewide community events for community outreach.
  • Support UCASA staff and outreach team at community events.
  • Assist with volunteer recruitment efforts throughout the state.
  • Work with other volunteers as directed by UCASA staff.



  • Demonstrate an ability to work independently, manage time, evaluate progress, and adjust activities to complete projects within established time frames. 
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Organized and detail-oriented.
  • Applicants who have already completed the 40 hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training provided through UCASA will be given preference but all individuals are encouraged to apply. 
  • Thorough understanding or sincere interest in acquiring knowledge of issues related to sexual assault.


Position Details 

  • Fall internships (September to December), Winter internships (January-April), or summer internships (May-August) are available. Internships can be extended in some circumstances. 
  • 10-15 hours a week, flexible scheduling
  • Community outreach and communications intern will report to the Outreach Coordinator.
  • Small stipend will be provided

UCASA is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). If you need assistance or an accommodation during the application process due to disability, it is available upon request. No applicant will be penalized as a result of such a request.

To apply, send a resume to [email protected]. Please include three internship goals you would like to achieve during the course of your internship as well as any personal goals and opportunities that interest you. Please specify the time frame you are interested in, as we can set up future internships in advance. 

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Contratista de Linea de Apoyo en Español


Posición: Contratista de Linea de Apoyo en Español


Turnos Disponibles (Trabajando de Forma Remota)


  • Turnos durante la Semana
    • Lunes 5pm - Martes 9am
    • Martes 5pm - Miércoles 9am
    • Miercoles 5pm - Jueves 9am
    • Jueves 5pm - Viernes 9am
    • Domingo 9pm - Lunes 9am
  • Turnos durante Fin de Semana
    • Viernes 5pm - Sábado 9am
    • Sabado 9am - Sabado 9pm
    • Sabado 9pm - Domingo 9am
    • Domingo 9am - Domingo 9pm

La disponibilidad de este contrato comienza el 1 de julio de 2021.


Reporta aOutreach Program Manager


Descripción general de la organización

Involucramos a individuos y organizaciones en colaboraciones locales y estatales para fortalecer la efectividad de la educación, prevención y respuesta a la violencia sexual en Utah. UCASA comenzó en 1996 cuando personas de todo el estado se unieron para poner fin a la agresión sexual. Comenzamos una asociación con agencias estatales y proveedores de servicios que dura hasta el día de hoy. Juntos, apoyamos a los sobrevivientes y trabajamos para prevenir la agresión sexual en todas sus formas. ¡UCASA está creciendo! Durante los últimos dos años, UCASA ha enfrentado importantes desafíos y está en el proceso de reimaginar nuestro trabajo y nuestra organización. Este es un momento emocionante para ser parte de esta organización, para estar en el terreno mientras trabajamos hacia el próximo capítulo asombroso de nuestra organización. Si sobresale en un entorno dinámico, dinámico y en transición, ¡este podría ser el lugar para usted!

Resumen de la Posición

El Contratista de la Línea de Apoyo en Español brindará servicios directos a las sobrevivientes de violencia sexual a través de la asesoria y la intervención en crisis como parte del equipo de la línea de apoyo. El candidato ideal tiene experiencia en servicios humanos y experiencia en el trabajo con clientes de diversos grupos culturales e identitarios. Este trabajo requiere una persona que trabaje bien de forma independiente con excelentes habilidades para el manejo de crisis.

Los deberes del Contratista de la Línea de Apoyo en Español son responder a las llamadas de la línea de ayuda, estar disponible para ayudar a las personas que llaman durante sus turnos correspondientes. Proporcionar recursos y referencias, escuchar, comprender y validar. Los contratistas deben tener su propio equipo, incluido su teléfono celular.


El Contratista de la Línea de Apoyo en Español debe obtener una certificación de Asesor de crisis de 40 horas dentro de los 90 días posteriores al inicio de su contrato. (Si ya ha realizado esta formación a través de UCASA, será aceptada).

El Contratista de la Línea de Apoyo en Español debe tener al menos un año y medio de experiencia en trabajo de intervención en crisis, trabajo relacionado con líneas de crisis, práctica informada sobre el trauma, enfoque centrado en la víctima y habilidad de comunicarse en Español.

Por favor envie su resume a [email protected]




Position: Spanish Helpline Contractor 


On-Call Shifts Available (working remotely)

  • Weekday Shifts
    • Monday 5pm - Tuesday 9am
    • Tuesday 5pm - Wednesday 9am
    • Wednesday 5pm - Thursday 9am
    • Thursday 5pm - Friday 9am
    • Sunday 9pm - Monday 9am


  • Weekend Shifts
    • Friday 5pm - Saturday 9am
    • Saturday 9am - Saturday 9pm
    • Saturday 9pm - Sunday 9am
    • Sunday 9am - Sunday 9pm

This contract availability begins on July 1st, 2021. 

Reports to: Outreach Program Manager

Organization Overview 

We engage individuals and organizations in local and statewide collaborations to strengthen the effectiveness of sexual violence education, prevention, and response in Utah. UCASA started in 1996 when people from across the state came together to end sexual assault. We began a partnership with state agencies and service providers that lasts to this day. Together, we support survivors and work to prevent sexual assault in all forms. UCASA is growing! This is an exciting time to be a part of this organization, to be on the ground as we work toward the next amazing chapter of our organization. If you excel in a busy, dynamic and transitioning environment, this could be the place for you! 

Contract Summary 

The Spanish Helpline Contractor will respond to Spanish help line calls and provide resources to survivors of sexual violence through advocacy and crisis intervention as a part of the Spanish helpline team. The ideal candidate has experience in human services and experience in working with clients from various cultural and identity groups. This job requires a person who works well independently with excellent crisis management skills.

The Spanish Helpline Contractor duties are to respond to the helpline calls, be available to support callers during their correspondent shifts. Provide resources and referrals, listening, understanding and validation. Contractors must have their own equipment including their cell phone.


The Spanish Helpline Contractor must obtain a 40-hour crisis counselor certification within 90 days of the start of their contract. (If you have already done this training through UCASA, it will be accepted).

The Spanish Helpline Contractor must have experience in crisis intervention work, crisis line related work, trauma informed practice, victim centered approach and ability to communicate in Spanish.


Please send your resume to [email protected] 


Office Assistant Intern

Organizational Overview 

We engage individuals and organizations in local and statewide collaborations to strengthen the effectiveness of sexual violence education, prevention, and response in Utah. UCASA started in 1996 when people from across the state came together to end sexual assault. We began a partnership with state agencies and service providers that lasts to this day. Together, we support survivors and work to prevent sexual assault in all forms. UCASA is growing! Over the past couple of years, UCASA has faced significant challenges and is in the process of re-imagining our work and our organization.  This is an exciting time to be a part of this organization, to be on the ground as we work toward the next amazing chapter of our organization. If you excel in a busy, dynamic and transitioning environment, this could be the place for you!



The duties of this role are inclusive of, but not limited to the following:

  • Adhere to the mission and policies of UCASA
  • Process incoming and outgoing correspondence
  • Making copies and collating documents
  • Assist in organizing and filing documents in printed form and virtually on Google Drive
  • Preparing materials, preparing outgoing shipments and mailings
  • Recording information
  • Updating paperwork, maintaining documents and word processing
  • Helping organize and maintain office common areas
  • Maintaining supply inventory
  • As directed, other office support functions 


  • Applicants interested should have the ability to work cooperatively in a small office with shared responsibilities. 
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, manage time, evaluate progress, and adjust activities to complete projects within established time frames. 
  • Applicants should be skilled in establishing effective working relationships. 
  • Excellent word processing and clerical skills. 
  • Thorough understanding or sincere interest in acquiring knowledge of sexual assault issues. 
  • Commitment to promoting respect for cultural diversity and justice. 
  • Minimum high school degree required to apply. 
  • Applicants must have previously attended or attend as soon as possible upon hire, a 40 hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training provided through UCASA. 

Hours and Compensation

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault is not able to provide compensation for intern positions at this time. We understand a lack of compensation limits and unfairly displaces those interested who would otherwise be a good fit and are working towards securing funding to provide paid internships in the future. By submitting an application you are consenting to an unpaid internship that can provide compensation in the form of learning opportunities in partnership within a college or university, community building, skills practice, and justice work. Interns are scheduled for a semester (longer, if desired), for approximately 10 hours a week.  Timing and schedules are flexible and can be discussed upon hire.


UCASA is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). If you need assistance or an accommodation during the application process due to disability, it is available upon request. No applicant will be penalized as a result of such a request.

To apply, send a resume and cover letter to [email protected].  Please include three internship goals you would like to achieve during the course of your internship as well as any personal goals and opportunities that interest you. Please specify the time frame you are interested in, as we can set up future internships in advance.


Communications Intern

Organizational Overview 

We engage individuals and organizations in local and statewide collaborations to strengthen the effectiveness of sexual violence education, prevention, and response in Utah. UCASA started in 1996 when people from across the state came together to end sexual assault. We began a partnership with state agencies and service providers that lasts to this day. Together, we support survivors and work to prevent sexual assault in all forms. UCASA is growing! Over the past couple of years, UCASA has faced significant challenges and is in the process of re-imagining our work and our organization.  This is an exciting time to be a part of this organization, to be on the ground as we work toward the next amazing chapter of our organization. If you excel in a busy, dynamic and transitioning environment, this could be the place for you!


The duties of this role are inclusive of, but not limited to the following:

  • Create a positive organizational image to the general public, clients, shareholders and the community through a clear and impactful media campaign.
  • Assist with streamlining company social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social media platforms), ensuring uniform content and tone of voice for landing pages, graphics, and other elements within the communities.
  • Collaborate with the UCASA board of directors to maintain and regulate a membership program. Including sending monthly newsletters to community partners and donors and facilitating marketing campaigns when needed. 
  • Write press releases, public service announcements, and other promotional materials for UCASA. Create and distribute content for Sexual Violence Awareness Month.
  • Maintain UCASA website and content. Monitor proper program descriptions and staff information. Update ad hoc information as needed by staff. 
  • Coordinate with and build allies among media personalities and member organizations in order to provide accurate and victim-sensitive coverage of current events.
  • Assist in maintenance and updates of ‘You Are A Survivor App’
  • Adhere to the mission and policies of UCASA.


  • Applicants interested should have the ability to work cooperatively in a small office with shared responsibilities.
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, manage time, evaluate progress, and adjust activities to complete projects within established time frames.
  • Applicants should be skilled in establishing effective working relationships.
  • Excellent word processing, clerical, and digital editing skills.
  • Knowledge and experience with NationBuilder website host or similar technical experience is a bonus.
  • Thorough understanding or sincere interest in acquiring knowledge of sexual assault issues.
  • Commitment to promoting respect for cultural diversity and justice.
  • Minimum high school degree required to apply.
  • Applicants must have previously attended or attend as soon as possible upon hire, a 40 hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training provided through UCASA. 

Hours and Compensation

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault is not able to provide compensation for intern positions at this time. We understand a lack of compensation limits and unfairly displaces those interested who would otherwise be a good fit and are working towards securing funding to provide paid internships in the future. By submitting an application you are consenting to an unpaid internship that can provide compensation in the form of learning opportunities in partnership within a college or university, community building, skills practice, and justice work. Interns are scheduled for a semester (longer, if desired), for approximately 10 hours a week.  Timing and schedules are flexible and can be discussed upon hire.


UCASA is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). If you need assistance or an accommodation during the application process due to disability, it is available upon request. No applicant will be penalized as a result of such a request.

To apply, send a resume and cover letter to [email protected].  Please include three internship goals you would like to achieve during the course of your internship as well as any personal goals and opportunities that interest you. Please specify the time frame you are interested in, as we can set up future internships in advance. 


Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program Intern

Organizational Overview
We engage individuals and organizations in local and statewide collaborations to strengthen the effectiveness of sexual violence education, prevention, and response in Utah. UCASA started in 1996 when people from across the state came together to end sexual assault. We began a partnership with state agencies and service providers that lasts to this day. Together, we support survivors and work to prevent sexual assault in all forms. UCASA is growing! Over the past couple of years, UCASA has faced significant challenges and is in the process of re-imagining our work and our organization. This is an exciting time to be a part of this organization, to be on the ground as we work toward the next amazing chapter of our organization. If you excel in a busy, dynamic and transitioning environment, this could be the place for you!


The duties of this role are inclusive of, but not limited to the following:

  • Provide support to Statewide Educators and Statewide SANE Coordinator and Director of Operations and Programs.
  • Support the coordination of grant data collection and tracking.
  • Perform research, data acquisition, and tethering of information for assigned topics.
  • Assist in the maintenance of a comprehensive list of SANE and SART(Sexual Assault Response Team) programs around the state of Utah.
  • Assist in daily office admin including file scanning and organization, library maintenance and documentation, and general office maintenance.
  • Will work with other volunteers as directed by UCASA staff.


  • Applicants interested should have the ability to work cooperatively in a small office with shared responsibilities.
  • Demonstrate an ability to work independently, manage time, evaluate progress, and adjust activities to complete projects within established time frames.
  • Applicants should be skilled in establishing effective working relationships.
  • Excellent word processing, clerical, and organizational skills.
  • Thorough understanding or sincere interest in acquiring knowledge of issues related to sexual assault.
  • Commitment to promoting respect for cultural diversity and justice.
  • Minimum high school degree required to apply.
  • Applicants must have previously attended or attend as soon as possible upon hire, a 40 hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training provided through UCASA.

Hours and Compensation

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault is not able to provide compensation for intern positions at this time. We understand a lack of compensation limits and unfairly displaces those interested who would otherwise be a good fit and are working towards securing funding to provide paid internships in the future. By submitting an application you are consenting to an unpaid internship that can provide compensation in the form of learning opportunities in partnership within a college or university, community building, skills practice, and justice work. Interns are usually scheduled for a semester (longer, if desired), for approximately 10 hours a week. Timing and schedules are flexible and can be discussed upon hire.

UCASA is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). If you need assistance or an accommodation during the application process due to disability, it is available upon request. No applicant will be penalized as a result of such a request.

To apply, send a resume and cover letter to [email protected]. Please include three internship goals you would like to achieve during the course of your internship as well as any personal goals and opportunities that interest you. Please specify the time frame you are interested in, as we can set up future internships in advance. 
