Capacitación Avanzada de Abogacía en Español: Trauma y Violencia en las Comunidades Latinas
Viernes 22 de noviembre de 2024
1:00 - 5:00 PMCapacitación Avanzada de Abogacía: Trauma y Violencia en las Comunidades Latinas
Este entrenamiento virtual en español está diseñado para profesionales que buscan profundizar sus habilidades de abogacía en dos áreas cruciales: el apoyo informado en trauma en las comunidades latinas y la intersección entre la cultura latina, la violencia sexual y la violencia doméstica.
La primera parte explorará las mejores prácticas para brindar apoyo sensible a las experiencias de trauma dentro del contexto cultural latino. La segunda parte analizará las dinámicas específicas de la violencia sexual y doméstica en las comunidades latinas, incluyendo factores culturales que pueden influir en la experiencia de las víctimas y la búsqueda de ayuda. ¡Inscríbase hoy mismo para fortalecer su capacidad de brindar servicios culturalmente competentes y efectivos!
Regístrese con anticipación para esta reunión:
https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpdO6opjgoHNI2J0NuGT1mHs6pwOgmhDGbFriday, November 22, 2024 at 01:00 PM0 RSVPs -
November SART Power Hour
Monday, November 25, 2024 from 1-2pmSART Power Hour: SARTs and Their Interactions with Native American PopulationsDescription: Join us for the November SART Power Hour, SARTs and Their Interactions with Native American Populations. This training will educate Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) and community partners on how to effectively support Native American survivors of sexual assault. It covers cultural competency, understanding historical trauma, and navigating the legal complexities of tribal sovereignty. The training emphasizes a trauma-informed, victim-centered approach, focusing on building trust within Native American communities and collaborating with tribal leaders and resources to ensure culturally sensitive, comprehensive care and justice for survivors.Zoom Information:When: Nov 25, 2024 01:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.Monday, November 25, 2024 at 01:00 PM0 RSVPs -
Entrenamiento para asesores de Asalto Sexual- 40 Horas (Diciembre 2024)
La capacitación de 40 horas para consejeros de asalto sexual de UCASA está diseñada para consejeros de el asalto sexual basados en la comunidad y el sistema. Los miembros de la comunidad pueden asistir a eventos de capacitación comunitaria que se pueden encontrar en nuestra página de calendario y consultar nuestra página de YouTube para obtener capacitación y seminarios web adicionales.
El profesionalismo y la experiencia de los consejeros de asalto sexual son esenciales para mantener la privacidad de los clientes. La Ley de Comunicaciones Confidenciales de Utah exige que los consejeros de asalto sexual tengan cuarenta horas de capacitación específica en el consejo de asalto sexual. Las conversaciones con víctimas o presuntas víctimas sólo son privilegiadas si el consejero ha completado cuarenta horas de capacitación específica sobre violencia sexual. La capacitación está disponible para consejeros de víctimas que trabajan en la comunidad o el sistema. Nuestro equipo de capacitación incluye profesionales legales, médicos y de servicios humanos que facilitan cada tema junto con nuestro personal.
Nuestra capacitación se desarrolló cuidadosamente con aportes de todos los consejeros y centros de crisis de violación en todo el estado. Más específicamente, este curso ofrece los siguientes beneficios:
- Cumple con los requisitos descritos en la Ley de Comunicaciones Confidenciales de Utah y los requisitos establecidos por las agencias de financiación de Utah.
- Brinda a los asistentes información y herramientas para comprender el papel de los consejeros de la violencia sexual.
- Apoya a los asistentes a reconocer y combatir los prejuicios, tanto explícitos como implícitos.
- Empodera a los asistentes para mantener la dignidad de las víctimas.
- Apoya a los asistentes a fomentar la autonomía de la víctima y la toma de decisiones personales a lo largo de los procesos de respuesta.
- Sitúa a cada participante dentro de su rol como consejero y refuerza su responsabilidad hacia la agencia, sus clientes y las víctimas.
- Certifica a voluntarios, personal y aliados de la comunidad como consejeros de asalto sexual, lo que permite comunicaciones privilegiadas y confidenciales con los clientes.
Estamos comprometidos con la excelencia en la capacitación y confiamos en que esta solución de capacitación colaborativa será una mejora valiosa para su programa actual de capacitación de voluntarios y personal.
Como organización de capacitación y desarrollo profesional, combinamos experiencia en instrucción con habilidades de desarrollo curricular y una extensa historia de apoyo y experiencia en servicio directo.
Estructura básica
Nuestra capacitación de consejeros en asalto sexual es el resultado de décadas de comentarios de profesionales que trabajan con sobrevivientes y perpetradores de violencia sexual en todo el estado. El plan de estudios consta de veinticuatro horas de temas básicos a nivel estatal presentados por nuestro personal y dieciséis horas de temas comunitarios específicos facilitados por las necesidades de la comunidad local. El diseño general de este curso está destinado a satisfacer las necesidades de cada área, población y dinámica comunitaria específica. Trabajamos con las comunidades locales para determinar el contenido del curso de las 16 horas de contenido específico de la comunidad y cualquier tema de educación continua o desarrollo profesional.
Descripción general del curso
El curso de capacitación para consejeros en asalto sexual está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de capacitación de las personas que podrían responder a una víctima de violencia sexual. El curso está destinado a satisfacer las necesidades de una variedad de voluntarios, personal y profesionales aliados que se consideran consejeros, ya sea agentes del orden, fiscales, voluntarios, consejero, personal médico, trabajadores sociales o educadores. Sin embargo, este curso no está diseñado para proporcionar las complejidades de la investigación, el procesamiento, la recopilación de pruebas o la gestión de casos. Este curso es particularmente útil para personas que brindan muchos tipos diferentes de servicios a víctimas de violencia sexual que buscan conocimientos y herramientas basados en habilidades para mejorar la respuesta e intervención.
Un beneficio adicional del curso es su atractivo multidisciplinario para profesionales que no trabajan directamente con problemas de violencia sexual y que también desean una mejor comprensión de los conceptos y políticas de intervención contra la agresión sexual. Este curso está diseñado y disponible para todas las organizaciones de servicio público, apoyo y educación, junto con información sobre por qué el curso les resulta útil. Si tiene algunas preguntas, por favor mande un correo electrónico a [email protected].
¡La capacitación para consejeros en agresión sexual es GRATIS!
La formación será híbrida
Diciembre 2-5 & Diciembre 7
- Semana 1
- lunes - Diciembre 2 - 6 PM - 9 PM
- martes - Diciembre 3 - 6 PM - 9 PM
- miércoles - Diciembre 4 - 6 PM - 9 PM
- jueves - Diciembre 5 - Autoguiado
- sábado - Diciembre 7 - 9 AM - 4 PM
Diciembre 9-12 & Diciembre 14
- Semana 2
- lunes - Diciembre 9 - 6 PM - 9 PM
- martes - Diciembre 10 - 6 PM - 9 PM
- miércoles - Diciembre 11 - 6 PM - 9 PM
- jueves - Diciembre 12 - Autoguiado
- sábado - Diciembre 14 - 9 AM - 4 PM
Monday, December 02, 2024 at 05:30 PM through December 13, 20240 RSVPs -
Jan 2025 - 40 Hour Training (Jan 13-15, 23-24) / VIRTUAL
The UCASA Sexual Assault Counselor 40-hour training is designed for community advocates and system-based sexual assault advocates, and law enforcement.
The training is available to advocates and law enforcement. Currently, our training is offered to sexual assault advocates who work or volunteer with rape crisis centers approved through the Utah Office for Victims of Crime or system advocates who are employed or volunteer at law enforcement agencies and/or county offices. The professionalism and expertise of sexual assault advocates are essential to maintaining clients' privacy. The Utah Confidential Communications Act requires that sexual assault advocates have forty hours of sexual assault-specific advocacy training. Conversations with victims are privileged only if the advocate has completed forty hours of sexual violence-specific training and works or volunteers with a Rape Crisis Center approved through the Utah Office for Victims of Crime. Additionally, system-based advocates who work for or volunteer for law enforcement agencies out of county offices also require the training; however, their confidentiality is based on agency policy. We collaborate with local and regional care personnel to provide our Sexual Assault Counselor Training. Our training team includes legal, medical, and human services professionals who facilitate each topic alongside our trained and dedicated staff.
**Community members are welcome to attend community training events, which can be found on our calendar page, and check out our YouTube page for additional training and webinars.**
Our training was carefully developed with input from all sexual violence advocates and programs across the state. More specifically, this course offers the following benefits:
- Meets the requirements set forth in the Utah Confidential Communications Act and requirements set forth by Utah's funding agencies.
- Gives attendees information and tools to understand the role of sexual violence advocates.
- Supports attendees in recognizing and combating bias - both explicit and implicit.
- Empowers attendees to maintain the dignity of victims.
- Support attendees in encouraging victims' self-advocacy and personal decision-making throughout the response processes.
- Situates each participant within their role as an advocate and reinforces their responsibility to the agency, its clients, and to victims.
- Certifies volunteers and sexual assault advocates as rape crisis counselors - allowing for privileged, confidential communications with clients.
We are committed to training excellence, and we are confident that this collaborative training solution will be a valuable enhancement to your current volunteer and staff training program.
As a professional training and development organization, we combine instructional expertise with curriculum development skills and an extensive history of advocacy and direct service experience.
Basic Structure
Our Sexual Assault Counselor Training is the result of decades of feedback from professionals who work with sexual violence survivors and folks who have perpetrated throughout the state. The curriculum is twenty-four hours of statewide core topics presented by our staff and sixteen hours of community-specific topics facilitated in accordance with the needs of the local community. This overall course design is meant to meet the needs of each area, population, and specific community dynamics. We work with local communities to determine the course content of the 16 hours of community-specific content and any continuing education or professional development topics.
Course Overview
The Sexual Assault Counselor Training course is designed to meet the training needs of individuals who respond to a victim of sexual violence. The course is meant to meet the needs of various volunteers and advocates. However, this course is not designed to provide the intricacies of the investigation, prosecution, evidence collection, or case management. This course is particularly helpful to individuals who provide many different types of services to victims of sexual violence, seeking skill-based knowledge and tools for improved response and intervention.
The Sexual Assault Counselor Training is FREE!
In order to receive sexual assault counselor training, you must follow the following instructions. This certificate is for you to help empower survivors and use the skills that you receive from this training to input them into your advocacy work.
- MUST have the camera on at all times during training. (except for when self-care needs to come into effect)
- Participation is required to receive a certificate.
- Be respectful of each other
It is critical to attend all 40 hours of the training. It will take place on the following dates:
- January 13-15 & January 23-24 / Daytime / Virtual
Week 1
Monday - January 13 - 8 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday - January 14 - 8 AM -5 PM
Wednesday - January 15 - 8 AM -5 PM
Week 2
Thursday - January 23 - 8 AM -5 PM
Friday - January 24 - 8 AM -5 PM
To Register, please CLICK HERE.
Monday, January 13, 2025 at 08:00 AM through January 23, 20250 RSVPs -
March 2025 40-hour training (March 10-14 & 17-21)/ Evening / VIRTUAL
The UCASA Sexual Assault Counselor 40-hour training is designed for community advocates and system-based sexual assault advocates, and law enforcement.
The training is available to advocates and law enforcement. Currently, our training is offered to sexual assault advocates who work or volunteer with rape crisis centers approved through the Utah Office for Victims of Crime or system advocates who are employed or volunteer at law enforcement agencies and/or county offices. The professionalism and expertise of sexual assault advocates are essential to maintaining clients' privacy. The Utah Confidential Communications Act requires that sexual assault advocates have forty hours of sexual assault-specific advocacy training. Conversations with victims are privileged only if the advocate has completed forty hours of sexual violence-specific training and works or volunteers with a Rape Crisis Center approved through the Utah Office for Victims of Crime. Additionally, system-based advocates who work for or volunteer for law enforcement agencies out of county offices also require the training; however, their confidentiality is based on agency policy. We collaborate with local and regional care personnel to provide our Sexual Assault Counselor Training. Our training team includes legal, medical, and human services professionals who facilitate each topic alongside our trained and dedicated staff.
**Community members are welcome to attend community training events, which can be found on our calendar page, and check out our YouTube page for additional training and webinars.**
Our training was carefully developed with input from all sexual violence advocates and programs across the state. More specifically, this course offers the following benefits:
- Meets the requirements set forth in the Utah Confidential Communications Act and requirements set forth by Utah's funding agencies.
- Gives attendees information and tools to understand the role of sexual violence advocates.
- Supports attendees in recognizing and combating bias - both explicit and implicit.
- Empowers attendees to maintain the dignity of victims.
- Support attendees in encouraging victims' self-advocacy and personal decision-making throughout the response processes.
- Situates each participant within their role as an advocate and reinforces their responsibility to the agency, its clients, and to victims.
- Certifies volunteers and sexual assault advocates as rape crisis counselors - allowing for privileged, confidential communications with clients.
We are committed to training excellence, and we are confident that this collaborative training solution will be a valuable enhancement to your current volunteer and staff training program.
As a professional training and development organization, we combine instructional expertise with curriculum development skills and an extensive history of advocacy and direct service experience.
Basic Structure
Our Sexual Assault Counselor Training is the result of decades of feedback from professionals who work with sexual violence survivors and folks who have perpetrated throughout the state. The curriculum is twenty-four hours of statewide core topics presented by our staff and sixteen hours of community-specific topics facilitated in accordance with the needs of the local community. This overall course design is meant to meet the needs of each area, population, and specific community dynamics. We work with local communities to determine the course content of the 16 hours of community-specific content and any continuing education or professional development topics.
Course Overview
The Sexual Assault Counselor Training course is designed to meet the training needs of individuals who respond to a victim of sexual violence. The course is meant to meet the needs of various volunteers and advocates. However, this course is not designed to provide the intricacies of the investigation, prosecution, evidence collection, or case management. This course is particularly helpful to individuals who provide many different types of services to victims of sexual violence, seeking skill-based knowledge and tools for improved response and intervention.
The Sexual Assault Counselor Training is FREE!
In order to receive sexual assault counselor training, you must follow the following instructions. This certificate is for you to help empower survivors and use the skills that you receive from this training to input them into your advocacy work.
- MUST have the camera on at all times during training. (except for when self-care needs to come into effect)
- Participation is required to receive a certificate.
- Be respectful of each other
It is critical to attend all 40 hours of the training. It will take place on the following dates:
March 10-14 & 17-21/ Evening / Virtual
Week 1
Monday - March 10 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Tuesday - March 11 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Wednesday - March 12 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Thursday - March 13 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Friday - March 14 -5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Week 2
Monday - March 17 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Tuesday - March 18 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Wednesday - March 19 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Thursday - March 20 - 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Friday - March 21 -5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
To Register, please CLICK HERE.
Monday, March 10, 2025 at 08:00 AM through March 20, 20250 RSVPs