Utah Sexual Violence Conference

Utah Sexual Violence Conference

The Utah Sexual Violence Conference is a world-class event that brings together hundreds of survivors, community members, and professionals working in the field of sexual violence prevention and response. Whether your goal is to contribute expertise and help drive change in the field of sexual violence, learn from your peers and adopt new practices, or connect with like-minded professionals who are solving everyday challenges, make plans now to present at the Utah Sexual Violence Conference.

The Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Utah Sexual Violence Council, and Utah System of Higher Education will host the 2018 Utah Sexual Violence Conference from April 4-6, 2018.

Effective sexual violence prevention and response requires the application of a wider lens that recognizes these harms in the context of individual and community settings that include poverty, racism, gender socialization, ableism, lack of health care, housing or education and many more social determinants of individual health and safety.

The intent of the Utah Sexual Violence Conference is to introduce new perspectives on the challenges we have been facing individually through our therapeutic, crisis intervention or criminal justice responses. Our hope is that interconnected approaches that combine shared resources and knowledge can increase safety and accountability outcomes from all disciplines for all communities.

This event is open to the public. Professionals working in the sexual violence field or those who are interested in sexual violence issues are invited to attend. This conference will have something for everyone. 

proposal_button-01.pngCall for Proposals

The organizing committee is now accepting proposals from organizations and individuals interested in presenting information and facilitating workshops. Click here to view the Call for Proposals. 

Registration Information

Online registration will be available in early 2018. Sign-in and day of registration will be open April 4-6th, 2018 from 8:30am - 9:30am.


$75 per person, $30 per student ticket

Conference Schedule

(Day 1) Wednesday, April 4

8:30 am to 5:00 pm - Keynote Speakers & Individual Workshops

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm - UCASA SAAM Awards (Ticket included with conference registration

(Day 2) Thursday, April 5

8:30 am to 5:00 pm - Keynote Speakers and Individual Workshops

(Day 3) Friday, April 6 - 9 am - 5 pm

Utah Title IX Conference (Ticket included with conference registration)

Lodging Details

Information will be made available after the location of the conference is announced. 

Additional Information

Light breakfast refreshments and a full lunch will be provided. Vegetarian/vegan options available upon request.

CEUs are available and we will provide information nearer to the conference.

We endeavor to be as inclusive and accommodating as possible. Please feel free to direct any ADA or accommodations requests to the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault at (801) 746-0404 or [email protected].