Using Intersectionality & Healthy Masculinity to Positively Engage Men - PATRICK MCGANN, PhD
If we are committed to working with men and boys to prevent gender-based violence, we have to consider both differences among men and boys and positive strategies to engage them. This keynote will present intersectionality as a strategy for meeting men and boys where they are and healthy masculinity as a positive means to engage them. It will also explain how healthy masculinity can relate to the differences among men, especially as they relate to masculinities.
10:15-10:30 BREAK
I. ROOM 201/202
PREVENTING CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: Educating Parents, Teachers & Adults Working with Youth – Gwen Knight, MA
Child sexual abuse is a serious problem in the State of Utah. The percentage of supported sexual abuse allegations in Utah is 27%...3 times the national average of 9%. One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before they are 18 years old. This serious issue prompted HB 286, legislation implemented beginning in the 2016-2017 school year. During this presentation you will learn more about the legislation and the prevention education that is being delivered to parents, students and adults working with youth both in person and online. The ultimate objective of the presentation will be to educate, engage and empower you, no matter what your role or profession, to recognize and report abuse as well as to provide support to children and their families, enabling them to heal from the trauma of sexual abuse.
II. ROOM 204/205
Intersectional Interventions: Skills to Address Violence & Discrimination – Stephanie McClure
This workshop provides an opportunity for those familiar with the basics of bystander intervention to more deliberately delve into conversations about the intersections between violence and other forms of discrimination and oppression. Audience members will explore tools to help us stand in solidarity with oppressed communities and intervene to prevent all forms of discrimination and oppression.
III. ROOM 101-102
Surviving Hell: The Aftermath of Rape - Navigating Life, Marriage, and Sex after Experiencing Military Sexual Trauma - Alisa and Josh Hobson
The presentation will focus on how Ali and Josh have healed after Ali was raped in 2013. Their marriage has faced significant challenges as a result of the trauma they experienced and the PTSD Ali developed. Intimacy and sex will be discussed, as this was the center of Ali’s PTSD.
IV. ROOM 103-104
HUMAN TRAFFICKING: An Often Overlooked Pediatric Crisis - Corey J. Rood, MD
Human trafficking is a major global public health problem affecting adults and children from at least 152 different countries worldwide. The International Labor Organization recently estimated that 4.5 million people are victims of forced sexual exploitation and 14.2 million are victims of forced labor annually in the international private economy. In one global study, up to 49% of the victims were women and 33% were children. When crimes of a sexual nature are committed against children (<18 years) for financial or other economic reasons, the crime is defined as commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and may be either domestic or transnational.
Current research indicates that victims of trafficking often experience severe emotional and physical effects of their victimization, including physical injuries, infections, HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, unwanted pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, PTSD and major depression with suicidality. Research also indicates that up to 88% of these victims seek medical attention at least once during their period of exploitation. Educated health care professionals are in a unique position to identify those in need, report these concerns to appropriate government agencies, work with multidisciplinary teams to tackle this problem locally, and offer and recommend much needed medical, therapy, and rehabilitative services. Objectives of the workshop will be to:
• Define exploitation and human trafficking
• Define domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)
• Review common vulnerabilities of DMST victims and common venues for recruitment & trafficking
- Identify ways in which medical providers can work with MDT members to identify minor sex trafficking victims in their medical setting
• Discuss what to do when a victim is identified or reasonable suspicion arises, including MDT members to notify and resources to provide
12:00-1:00 BUFFET LUNCH
Intimate Partner Rape: Prevalence and Characteristics among Domestic Violence and Sexual Offenders - A. Mervyn Davies, MA, CACIII, LPC, FAPA
Intimate partner rape is one of the most serious and prevalent forms of sexual violence against women; it affects 10 to 14% of women and 30 to 40% of battered women (Bergen, 1996; Finkelhor & Yllo, 1985; Russell, 1990). Intimate partner rape remains one of the most under-reported acts of violence as victims (and perpetrators) do not identify non-physical, coercive sexual interactions within a relationship as rape (Basile, 2002; Kilpatrick, Best, Saunders, & Veronen, 1988). To date, few studies have been conducted on the perpetrators of intimate partner rape and no research has been conducted on clinical interventions.
Davies and Simons (2009) examined the prevalence of and attitudes toward intimate partner rape among offenders who have been convicted of domestic violence, rape, and child sexual abuse. Participants consisted of 101 sexual offenders and 148 domestic violence offenders, who were receiving specialized treatment in the community. Findings indicated that the majority of domestic violence offenders (89%) and sexual offenders (77%) reported intimate partner rape; despite the long duration of treatment participation (i.e., 9 months for domestic violence and 38 months for sexual offenders), many offenders were not able to accurately identify consensual sexual relations and many perceived non-physical sexual coercion as consensual. Taken together, these findings emphasize the importance of relationship skills and healthy sexuality in both programs.
Unfortunately, domestic violence and sex offender treatment providers do not collaborate on treatment skills that may reduce incidence of intimate partner rape among these populations. After reviewing the research findings regarding the prevalence of intimate partner rape among domestic violence and sexual offenders, this presentation challenges systems to collaborate and begin cross training on sex offender and domestic violence issues.
2:30-2:45 BREAK
Domestic violence professionals know stalking is a common practice among domestic violence offenders. Sex offender treatment providers often are unaware of how many of their clients are also engaging in acts of domestic violence, including stalking. It is hard to prove stalking and offenders deny the practice. This workshop is designed to increase general awareness and give an overview of how offenders engage in stalking practice. The level of sophistication available because of the internet, cell phones, and GPS monitoring allows for the average offender to engage easily in monitoring partners. Stalking is common amongst both sex offenders and domestic violence offenders. Learn how easy it is to monitor another person.
II. ROOM 201/202
Presentation will include speakers from military response agencies:
- Susan Bradford - The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office
- Special Agent Charles M. Jones-Hanners - Office of Special Investigations
- Captain Kathryn (“Katy”) A. Watson - Special Victims Counsel
III. ROOM 204/205
TITLE IX ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES: Protecting Students’ Civil Rights – Panel Discussion Moderated by Megan Waters, Violence and Injury Prevention Program, Utah Department of Health
Legal and educational professionals will discuss challenges and successes they have experienced with implementing policies and procedures at Utah colleges and universities to insure the protection of each student’s right to an educational environment free from gender-based discrimination, harassment and violence.
- · Jason Schwartz-Johnson – Title IX Coordinator, Westminster College
- · Melissa Frost – Director of Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action, Title IX Coordinator, Utah Valley University
- · Sherrie Hayashi – Director of Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action, Title IX Coordinator, University of Utah
- · Julie Valentine – Assistant Teaching Professor, SANE-A, Brigham Young University
IV. ROOM 101/102
HEALING FROM SEXUAL TORTURE: Utah’s Invisible Survivors - Brent Pace, LCSW
Approximately 40,000 of the 65,000 refugees or former refugees living in Utah have endured some form of torture; many of these have endured sexual torture and rape. The recent influx of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring countries are often victims of rape or sexual assault—both men and women. The interventions we use at Utah Health and Human Rights are holistic and can be best described as “non-manualized, trauma-informed, relational, cognitive behavioral therapies.” They are non-manualized in order to allow us as therapists to remain agile and to never assume at the beginning of a session that we know where that session will lead us. Relational, because the relationship is paramount—the motor of change, and trauma-informed as we are required to understand the neurobiology of trauma if we are to engage effectively in walking with our clients on the path to healing. Sherrie Hayashi, Director of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, Title IX Coordinator, University of Utah
The primary objective of this session is to impress on the attendees that I’m speaking of survivors who live among us—not foreigners who live “over there” in war-torn countries, but neighbors, doctors, nurses, grocers—members of our community that we encounter and interact with every day, which means we must be willing to see, hear, and validate their existence and struggle to heal. Secondly, the single most effective intervention, based on our years of work with survivors of sexual torture, is teaching and practicing self-care: Holistic, mindfulness-based and mind-body work for client and practitioner. We teach survivors hands-on, immediate interventions that are practical, meaningful skills that result in a reduction of that distress often felt in the session and we then practice the skill simultaneously with the client to keep ourselves whole, well, and capable of seeing client after client throughout any given day. The final objective is to understand the meaning of “cultural humility.”
I will be teaching three brief, easy-to-use, mindfulness-based skills during the presentation that can be adapted to any practice and can enrich your experience as you work with survivors of sexual assault while keeping you well and whole as you navigate the difficult realities of secondary traumatic stress.
V. 103/104
HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Identifying and Addressing Gaps in Services for Survivors – Laurie Hofmann, MA
This workshop will present the findings of the presenter’s study titled “Bridging the Gaps: Why Utah Needs More Services for Sexual Slaves and Trafficked Victims”. The study sheds light on who trafficking victims are, provides an inventory of services currently available for trafficking survivors in Utah, and identifies what additional services are needed. The presenter conducted interviews with twelve local experts in human trafficking and identified four key themes for improving trafficking response in Utah:
- A need for housing and residential services for trafficking survivors
- A need for public and professional education on trafficking and survivor needs
- A need for consistent and accurate data on trafficking perpetration and victimization
- A need for consistent and appropriate language used in reference to human trafficking
8:30-8:45 WELCOME
10:15-10:30 BREAK
Maia Christopher, Executive Director, Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
II. ROOM 201/202
Ethical considerations in treating survivors of abuse and those that offend –
Delynn Lamb, MSW, LCSW
This presentation is designed to look at the laws and ethics of clinical practice. The practice and ethics of working with victims of sexual assault and those that offend are difficult and complicated. The workshop provides attendees with a discussion of:
- Core guidelines for ethical practice
- Therapeutic alliance and relationship
- Confidentiality
- Healthy boundaries
- Best practice
- Diversity and ethics
- Mandatory reporting
- Working with intrafamilial abuse
- Suicidality
- Handling difficult dilemmas
It also provides an opportunity to discuss difficult cases with a seasoned professional, with 30 years in the field of treatment of both survivors of abuse and those that perpetrate.
III. ROOM 204/205
Investigating and Prosecuting a Serial Rapist: State of Utah v. Anthony Murphy Case Study
– Spencer Walsh, JD, Cache County Attorney’s Office and Captain Tyson Budge, Logan City Police Department
This is a case study on the investigation and prosecution of Anthony Murphy. Police responded to the victim’s work after a co-worker noticed she was trying to hide injuries to her face. Police later learned she had been brutally strangled and sexually assaulted by Murphy. It was later uncovered by prosecutors that Anthony Murphy was a serial rapist who had gotten way with raping women for 2 decades with little to no accountability for his crimes. The presenter will discuss the Doctrine of Chances and how the State was permitted to introduce evidence of the defendant’s other sexual assaults. The use of expert witnesses who educated the jury on the dynamics of domestic violence relationships, strangulation, and the neurobiology of trauma will be discussed.
IV. ROOM 101/102
MILITARY SEXUAL TRAUMA & FAMILY VIOLENCE – Katie Sutton and Nicole Sather, Family Support Services, Hill Air Force Base
This presentation will explore sexual trauma within the context of family violence in the military community.
V. ROOM 103/104
Our People, Connecting Anti-Rape and Anti-Racism Work – Patrick McGann, PhD, Men Can Stop Rape
Oppressions often divide us, but understanding and linking oppressions can help us to see one another as more fully human and establish relationships as allies. This workshop will focus on the racist history of rape, current connections of sexual assault with racism, the challenges to connecting anti-rape and anti-racism work, and strategies for creating a collective commitment to preventing racism and gender-based violence. Participants will learn:
- How rape and racism are linked historically
- What the racism of rape looks like in our present day
- Exercises to link rape and racism
- The value of applying bystander intervention in anti-rape and anti-racism work
12:00-1:00 BUFFET LUNCH
From Life’s Journey to Life’s Tapestry! - NICKI HOPWOOD, LCSW, HAPTEN Counseling Services
2:30-2:45 BREAK
Upstanding: Stepping up to Prevent Violence in Utah - Bystander Approach to Prevention of Sexual and Relationship Violence – Marty Liccardo, Utah Department of Health
This presentation will introduce the concept, theory, and basic approach of bystander intervention. Bystander intervention is a data-informed approach to interrupt and to prevent violence in our communities. This session will also highlight applied methods to incorporating bystander intervention into your communities.
II. ROOM 201/202
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN MILITARY FAMILIES – Katie Sutton and Nicole Sather, Hill Air Force Base
This presentation will examine the effects of domestic violence on military families.
III. ROOM 204/205
Clarification: What it is & what to do! – Ryan Grant and Giulianna Garcia, Safe and Healthy Families
This presentation will discuss what clarification is, outline the need for developing guidelines and training for this intervention, highlight important principals and elements in clarification, and review general procedures for conducting a clarification process and event.
IV. ROOM 101/102
ADDRESSING TRAUMA’S EFFECT ON THE PROVIDER – Melinda Pettingill, LCSW, Rape Recovery Center
Does your work in this field ever make you feel tired, cynical, numb or like you can never do enough? Me too. Trauma exposure impacts the human psyche in deeply personal ways, taking a toll on us as providers. Join us for a dialogue and presentation on the impact of Trauma Exposure on the provider's brain/body/spirit, and the meaningful options we have to address these challenges. Showing up for ourselves in this field is not just part of the work, It is the work.
V. ROOM 103/104
JUVENILE OFFENDERS: Reintegration After Residential Treatment – Sean Camp, LCSW, Clinical Director, Come About Youth Services, Professor of Social Work, Utah State University