We utilize technology, best practices, technical assistance and policy development assistance to promote a public health approach to the primary prevention of rape and sexual assault that works on the individual, community and societal levels to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors for sexual violence perpetration and victimization. We provide resources, technical assistance, and curriculum to prevention educators, youth serving organizations, parents, and teens working to promote healthy, respectful relationships among youth and their peers.
Based on results of statewide and community assessments, we engage institutions and organizations throughout the state to prevent sexual violence. We use our unique position to encourage agencies to facilitate the creation, implementation and/or continuation of prevention strategies throughout the state.
We are engaged in prevention on three levels:
Primary Prevention: is defined as decreasing the incidence of a problem. In other words, the goal of primary prevention programs Activities that take place before sexual violence has occurred to prevent initial perpetration or victimization.
Secondary Prevention: Immediate responses after the sexual violence has occurred to deal with the short-term consequences of violence.
Tertiary Prevention: Long-term responses after sexual violence has occurred. This form of prevention deals with the lasting consequences of violence and sex offender treatment interventions. When all three types (primary, secondary, and tertiary) are used together, they create a comprehensive response to sexual violence.
To assist with our prevention efforts, we assist partner agencies with the coordination and delivery of services. Our Lending Library provides resources and support to rape crisis centers, victim advocates, government, non-profit agencies, military bases, universities and any individual seeking a society free of sexual violence. The library features a collection of books, films – both narrative and documentary, educational curriculum, reports, and magazines that focus on sexual assault advocacy, prevention, and treatment. The UCASA library always welcomes donations of any materials that are relevant to the dialogue of sexual assault.
To learn more about our programming please contact us by phone at 801-746-0404 or by email at [email protected].