LGBTQIA+ Resources

It's a well-known fact that LGBTQIA+ survivors face additional barriers when accessing services. Homophobia/biphobia, transphobia, racism, and other factors can increase the barriers that marginalized survivors face. This webpage was created to share potential resources for LGBTQIA+ survivors that are available locally in Utah and nationwide. To submit an organization or program to be included on this list, please fill out THIS FORM. If there is any information that is outdated or inaccurate please email Andi Tremonte at [email protected]


Organization Contact information/website Resources provided Languages available Date verified/submitted
American Civil Liberties Union ACLU

Legal assistance specific to constitutional violations & civil liberty complaints. Examples: Immigration rights, privacy, racial justice, religious freedom, criminal prosecution, equal protection, freedom of expression, LGBTQ equality, police practices, inmate, reproductive, & student rights. English 4/19/24

Davis Pride


Pride event in Davis County English 7/25/24
Encircle Friendship circle, therapy, daily programs, and Drop-in hours English 7/25/24
Flourish therapy


Flourish Therapy is a clinical care program that provides individual, couples, family and group counseling for all age groups, including short- and long-term counseling, crisis intervention, parent intervention, and support services with a focus on quality care for LGBTQIA+ clients and their families.


English 4/19/24
Inclusion Center for Community and Justice
Camps, Workshop Trainings & Personal Development Seminars
Logan Pride Brick-and-mortar space offers programing everyday, 7 days a week. Diverse groups every day that serve youth to elders. Logan pride festival. English 7/26/24
Nuanua Collective A community collective established in 2019 for LGBTQ+ Pacific Islanders & QTBIPOC. Host community events. English   
Ogden Pride Youth Outreach social support group 1st& 3rd Friday each month. Ogden Pride festival   2/1/24
Pride of Southern Utah [email protected] Mental health, medical, legal, financial, housing English 1/29/24
Rainbow Law Monthly Law clinic at the U of U English 2/13/24
SLC Pride SLC Pride event English 4/19/24
Timpanogos Legal Center

DV and SA legal, document clinics, and hotline English 4/19/24
Trans pride


Pride event in Utah County English 7/26/24

Utah Aids Foundation

Provides HIV/AIDS testing, STI testing, case management services, social & support groups, community outreach, and prevention services. English 7/25/24
Utah Bar association

Pro bono work and clinics English 4/19/24
Utah LGBTQIA+ chamber of commerce Support local businesses in becoming more diverse and inclusive. Support progressive business practices. Connect to LGBTQIA-aligned businesses & orgs. Has a LGBTQIA friendly business directory   2/13/24
Utah LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist guild

Provide training for therapists and the community. List of LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists available on website.


Utah Pride Center Support groups, community events, art groups, drop-in hours English 7/18/24







**UCASA does not endorse any program or organization listed. These resources were submitted by the community for the community**

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  • Andi Tremonte