Student groups and community partners will come together to present training designed to prevent sexual violence. 

For immediate release

Orem, Utah, August 8, 2017A consortium of student and community organizations will present a bystander intervention skill-building workshop at Utah Valley University on August 29th, 2017. The workshop will focus on skill-building scenarios and will encourage attendees to practice facilitating educational activities such as bystander intervention pieces of training.

Recognized as a critical component of preventing sexual violence - bystander Intervention training involves developing the awareness, skills, and courage needed to intervene in a situation when another individual is in need of help. Bystander intervention allows individuals to send powerful messages about what is acceptable and expected behavior in our community.

The Workshop will be facilitated by Marty Liccardo (Men's Engagement Specialist with the Utah Department of Health with a focus on the newly released curriculum "Upstanding: Stepping Up to Prevent Violence in Utah.”

“Bystander intervention skills are a critical component of sexual violence prevention efforts in our community. We are pleased to present this life changing training for students and community members alike.” –Turner C. Bitton

The event is free and open to the public. Anyone who is interested in bystander intervention training is encouraged to attend because this training will be highly informative. Additional details for the training can be found at UCASA.org/UVU_bystander.


If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Turner C. Bitton at (801) 746-0404 Ext. 1 or email at [email protected]. UCASA will facilitate opportunities to connect with student leaders, community partners, and others who members of the media may be interested in speaking with.